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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Saturday September 28th 2024


from the series Something I Said


a photo of the author
Dwight Hobbes

Rabble rouser cum activist Al Flowers will be on hand for a good, old-fashioned Juneteenth joint over north at Bethune/Phyllis Wheatley on the 15th. Bet money mainstream notables, stylin’ and profilin’ to see and be seen, will swing by for a foto-opp, maybe sign some autographs. Then, get back to living the boozhie life. Flowers, though, didn’t trade the Civil Rights Era clarion call, “We Shall Overcome” in for “I Have Overcome”. Still grounded in the grassroot, he’ll be there not for show but for grow – as in helping the community honor our past, while putting a foot down about the future.
Juneteenth celebrates how Texas slaves, after being hoodwinked for two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, learned they were free and had a real good time! Albeit belatedly – baseball games, fishing, rodeos, street fairs and, of course, tradition that stands to this day. Cookouts.
You’ll have the occasion to get a load of Flowers – think along the lines of Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown. Al takes being a renowned community organizer in stride a la no brag, just fact. To him, he just does what he does, because he’s supposed to do it. Accordingly, if you spot him and find a chance to wander over, he won’t mind chatting about issues and you’ll probably walk away considerably enlightened. Specifically, as his experience and wisdom testify from common sense to confront the system.
Anyway. To be technical, it’s a block party, that age-old staple of black neighborhoods that pretty much served the same purpose – unity in the community. Same historic, soul folk festivities. Except the cooking is via vendors. Bottom line, the event flyer says there’ll be “a beautiful family vibe” and that’s what this kind of throw down is supposed to be about. We are talking carnival rides, live entertainment including local talent. And, of course, having a nice time in a safe environment. On top of which, even money says you can get a side of cornbread, collards or grits.
Have a fine day. And do say, “Hi” to Al Flowers.

June 15th, 12:00 – 6:00 PM, Bethune/Phyllis Wheatley, 1304 North 10th Ave, Minneapolis

Dwight Hobbes is a long-time Twin Cities journalist and essayist.

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