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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

Housing Highlights: Little Earth of United Tribes Housing Initiative

The unfortunate general disinvestment on the block across Elaine Stately Ave. from Little Earth provides the opportunity for community reinvestment by rehabbing or rebuilding of homes to sell with American Indian preference. The program will allow Little Earth to collaborate on, purchase, build, or rebuild the homes for sale primarily through a responsible mortgage/contract for deed program to Little Earth residents who qualify to buy a home and want to stay near their family and support connections at Little Earth. The intent of the Initiative (LEUTHI) is to address these goals by delivering a holistic, community-based, solution that lays the groundwork for the fulfillment of self-determination.

Little Earth of United Tribes new and rehab housing initiative is a tremendous bright spot of improvement and especially during a time of economic struggle.

Powderhorn Residents Group”'s rehab at 26th St. and 13th Ave. and Habitat for Humanity”'s new house at 25th St. and 15th Ave. keep upgrading the neighborhood, too.

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