News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Speak Your Truth at Amen Corner

8.20b-1-v39#8-Amen-PhotoDSC_0041Sponsored by the Communities of Light Co-operative
in affiliation with the BYI Rebirthing Community CHAT

The Amen Corner concept and practice has a long history in American lore.  It was made famous by James Baldwin in his play, “The Amen Corner”, as an arena where an African American Minister used her speaking skills to explore truth and to obtain the support of parishioners. Supporters of her point of view were put in a special section of the congregation, the amen corner, where the people would indicate agreement by shouting in unison, “Amen”, or let it be.

Even before Baldwin”'s play, the Amen Corner concept had entered into the American mainstream consciousness together with expressions like “preaching to the choir”. The idea of a “soap box” extends this idea to a single individual standing on a “soap box” to make his ideas known, and has a long history in street culture, labor struggles, and public squares. The concept can also be seen in the “open mics” that have sprung up across the country via hip hop and slam poetry.

This project has been created, organized and endorsed by the Communities of Light Co-operative. We do this because we believe listening with our hearts and learning with our minds can ensure we set better priorities and make better decisions.  This caring will insure that more people be inspired to join our neighborhood organizations in Minneapolis.

We are also doing this because we want more people like you to participate in our Solar Lantern and Solar Energy Workshops held on Fridays.  Here, our emphasis is on promoting self-sufficiency and solvency among our community members.

Your involvement is essential in sharing ideas about how we can all participate in the economic and spiritual life in our communities.   We are dedicated to the proposition that all voices will be heard in all segments of our community.

Mostly, we urge you to speak out the truth and you may just get an “amen.”

For more info, contact: Amen Corner Team, 612-239-4652, or visit our website:

We invite you to come to speak your truth about yourself, your struggles, your stories, your ideas, your family, your community and your world.

Please join Communities of Light at the Amen Corner, in Peavey Park, Thrones Plaza every Saturday,
Noon-4:00 p.m
(Chicago & Franklin Avenues.)

We welcome Volunteers to serve food, too!

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