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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday July 16th 2024

Environmental Justice Campaign Roof Depot Site

Architect Dean Devolis explained Roof Depot Site Plan possibilities at March 28th Meeting at Little Earth Early Learning Center

Architect Dean Devolis explained Roof Depot Site Plan possibilities at March 28th Meeting at Little Earth Early Learning Center


Thank you to those who attended Saturday March 28th to envision a sustainable, safe and healthy future for the East Phillips neighbors and communities!

Below is the group”'s reflections on what will make a successful community benefits agreement. We are committed to continue doing authentic community engagement to enlarge the representation of the voices of East Phillips residents. This email also has an article that was written by Twin Cities Daily Planet that highlights our great work and gives us a history on where we have been.

Thank you every one for your support.

The project and site outcome must:

Ӣ Prevent gentrification and preserve the character of the neighborhood: renters, communities if color, low income families, affordable housing
”¢ Both the building process and the new enterprise must employ current residents – local green jobs for neighborhood residents and new green enterprise for Phillips ”“ with specific numbers required to employ people of color, indigenous, low income, and youth leaders from the community

Ӣ Local small businesses

Ӣ Benefits current residents

Ӣ Have building be LEED certified, green, geo-thermal, solar panels, alternative energy, self-sustainable building, green garden rooftop (organic agriculture)

”¢ Be worker/community owned. Tie in with community economics ”“ ex. Green energy (solar farm) that subsidizes local low income families energy

”¢ Evict polluting industry ”“ revoke grandfathering ”“in of all Phillips polluting and industrial enterprises, end economic and environmental exploitation of neighborhood community.

Ӣ Rezone Phillips as Green Zone, Green Economy. Have city funds geared towards this designation of Phillips
Ӣ Be transparent: people in community impacted the most (closest by) get info and decision making power

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