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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

4 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

By the Phillips Wellness 50+ Team

It”'s challenging to know what to do to stay healthy. Advice from experts seems to change from month to month, and it”'s hard to keep track of what”'s most important.

That”'s why the Phillips Wellness 50+ group strives to take on four simple-to-remember behaviors:

  • Getting 150 minutes of physical activity each week (that”'s 30 minutes a day for five days each week).
  • Eating five servings fruits and vegetables a day. Think of a serving as about a half of a cup.
  • Drinking little or no alcohol (no more than an average of one drink a day for women; two per day for men).
  • Eliminate smoking and other tobacco products.

Doing these four things can produce important benefits, including:

  • Better functional health (being able to do everyday things) that allows for good quality of life and independence.
  • Lower incidence of stroke, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions.
  • Decreased depression, stress and other emotional health issues.
  • Lower overall mortality.

Phillips Wellness 50+ is an initiative to increase health and well-being, by and for people in the Phillips neighborhood.

We invite you to join us for a weekly group walk. Meet us in the lobbies of Ebenezer Park Apartments and Ebenezer Tower every Tuesday night at 5:45 PM. After the walk we gather to learn, connect and support each other.

Contact Donna Nordin at 612-741-5180 or for information.

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