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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

Raise Your Voice – Seven Generations


The “7th generation” principle, taught by our Native American neighbors, says that in every decision we make, we must consider how it will affect our descendants seven generations into the future. This approach seems to have worked well for a people who have demonstrated 10,000 years of staying power. As for me, I look backwards to immigrant great-grandparents, and do my best to see the “3rd generation” yet to be.

It ain”'t easy being European!


While pondering the Dakota fracking fields, Mother Earth wonders how much global warming methane seeps to her atmosphere under a “Clean Power Plan” which, soon enough, will exhaust this supply of natural gas in electrical power plants.


We suffer a ruling class which appears more confused than ever ”“ firing away at numerous false flags, as the rate of profit in globalized manufacturing begins to decline.

”¦and what else?

Sinclair Broadcasting is gobbling up local news stations and is forcing local news reporters to read propaganda pieces written by Trump-friendly overlords, even as limbless wounded warriors say to us: “I would do it all again for freedom!”

This is why little papers like The Alley are important to us all.

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