News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday March 12th 2025

MIGIZI Communications Continues and Expands During Covid-19 2020 School Year

MIGIZI means “bald eagle” in the Ojibwe language.


Like all other schools and youth serving organizations, MIGIZI rather abruptly shut its doors to staff and participants on March 16 in accordance with the Governor”™s shelter in place order. Since that time, MIGIZI staff have switched to an online service platform, whereas participants can log on to a virtual meeting with Migizi staff via Zoom. Not only are we offering homework help and academic support, staff have also come up with other cultural well being programming including Medicine Mondays and Cooking with Jane.

MIGIZI”™s workforce readiness and job training programs went virtual as well. With students enrolled in either the Green Jobs or Social Media Marketing career pathway, staff delivered all necessary coursework materials and supplies directly to their homes, including iPads, Apple pencils and solar charger kits.

Migizi Instructors send solar kits to students at homes.

This summer, we plan on offering a combination of virtual and in-person programming to up to 50 American Indian youth and young adults. For more information on all of our virtual programming, go to
MIGIZI was established over 40 years ago by Laura Waterman Wittstock and others as an organization with an American Indian journalism and communications focus, bringing Native voices and stories to the public through radio, newspapers, magazines and other media.

Over the years, the mission of this American Indian led organization has morphed into one with more of a youth development and education focus, working in collaboration with local school districts and other community and governmental organizations to improve outcomes for Native youth in the Twin Cities.

With our new location, 3017 27th Av. So., and under the leadership of new President Kelly Drummer, MIGIZI is undergoing a new strategic planning and re-branding process that will focus future programming and establish solid goals as MIGIZI enters a new phase in its successful history of advancing a message of success for the American Indian community.

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