News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday March 19th 2025

‘Commentary’ Archives

Phillips Neighborhood Clinic: Things Open Up

By Harry Leeds Our lives have changed tremendously over the past few months, and as we very slowly move towards normalcy, it is important to remember your healthy habits. Perhaps the first thing to keep in mind is that we are not out of the woods yet. The State of Minnesota has done a better than average job of social distancing and preparing hospitals. What this means, though, is that the spread of COVID-19 has slowed enough to (likely) ensure that everyone will have access to the medical treatment they deserve if they get sick. That”™s what the models suggest, anyway. Social distancing and working from home are still important. We might have slacked with our old, good health habits, but it is important to keep them up. I have often joked this last month that Jenny Craig is going to make a killing next year. If you are stuck at home, whether you are employed or not, it is tempting to eat junk food. These times are stressful, you worry about the next time you will be [...]

Something I Said: What Good Safeguarding Income by Risking Life to Only Afford a Good Funeral?

Something I Said: What Good Safeguarding Income by Risking Life to Only Afford a Good Funeral?

By DWIGHT HOBBES Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz extended the corona stay-at-home order through May 18th. While not nearly long enough, it was a welcome reprieve from the threat of people being let loose on the street to keep spreading this catastrophic contagion. This is no thanks to hundreds who demonstrated in mid-April outside Walz”™s home as the Liberate Minnesota Movement, demanding he lift the order. The rationale: it”™s costing the economy. Yes, businesses have faltered, even closed and people are laid off, fired. Hence, you had indignant folk hollering slogans like “We can sue! We can revolt over this tyrant. He is supposed to be working for us” and organizer Michelle Even telling Fox News, “We want our rights restored.” Twin Cities”™ activist, Michelle Gross, took a different take, telling “the alley” newspaper, “Forcing communities and businesses to reopen prematurely harms workers. We are seeing [...]

Dave’s Cave

Dave’s Cave

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