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Sunday March 23rd 2025

‘Commentary’ Archives

The Rand Report: Why were homeless misplaced during Glow?

The Rand Report: Why were homeless misplaced during Glow?

By Rand Retterath Rand Retterrath On July 27, 2019 large portions of the Midtown Greenway were cleared for an event.  Care to know what it was? It was the Midtown Greenway Coalition Greenway Glow 2019. Through registration, ticket and alcohol sales, pledges and more they raised nearly $23,000. They say it is for the “Greenway.” PLEASE do not be confused! The money goes directly to the Greenway Coalition EXCLUSIVELY. Care to know what was cleared? People were cleared, homeless people as well as their possessions.  I have a problem with that. Many years ago, the Executive Director looked me in the eye and said, “Unlike some, we do not think homelessness is a crime.” Apparently, that is true only as long as they are not seen. One week later, the Powderhorn 24 took place. They found an ability to co-exist over the course of the 24 hour event and set up / clean up periods. Local residents grudgingly find ways to deal with trash, [...]

Raise Your Voice: Changing horizons

Raise Your Voice: Changing horizons

By PETER MOLENAAR Peter Molenaar Those of us who have connected over the years with All My Relations Arts and Two Rivers Galleries were privileged to receive invitations to the recent opening receptions. These “Changing Horizons” events commemorated the 100th birthday of George Morrison, the Ojibwe artist who graduated from the local Minneapolis College of Art and Design, before viewing much of the world through the eyes of an abstract impressionist. To which I will add: Neighbors, these art openings offer a splendid opportunity to mingle with bright young faces who have significant lives awaiting.  Some questions: Did Morrison violate his heritage, as some have suggested, by immersing himself in the modernist art movement? (Conversely, did some “modernists” violate the past when they took inspiration from Navajo sand paintings?) Moreover, how does Marxism resolve the dialectical tension between ”˜formalism”™ and [...]

Raise Your Voice: The world within us

Raise Your Voice: The world within us

By PETER MOLENAAR Peter Molenaar From the passenger side window of the adjacent vehicle, an elder Native man called out: “Hey! Where are you from?” At the time, I was fetching 30 Alley papers for deposit at the Native American Community Clinic, after having dropped 30 at the Ancient Traders Market. Detecting the sleight of hand humor, I quickly decided not to delineate my four original nations of northern Europe. So, I responded, “I grew up in Cannon Falls, Minn., if that”™s what you mean.” Then to clarify, “It”™s upstream from Prairie Island on the Cannon River.” In the span of about 15 seconds, the elder Ojibwe pondered the not-so-ancient conflict with the Dakota, then registered delight that a white man would place his origin relative to Native Americans. Note: The “cannon” of Cannon Falls is an English mumble of the French word for canoe. Then a Somali woman walked between us. He quipped, [...]

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