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Wednesday July 17th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

Philosophy and the Police

By Peter Molenaar They say that all conscious beings are a product of the evolution of matter. Yet we must resist all forms of oppression as if moved by ”˜God”'s will”'. Such is one meaning of the expression: Black Lives Matter. Yes, we live in a country built upon the most massive genocide and cruelest enslavement, and yes, the existing ruling class descends from the perpetrators. Are the police merely servants of the capitalist order, or are things complex in nature? Once upon a time, land based “lords” hand-picked their cops from peasant stock, to facilitate tribute from travailing merchants. However, as mass production industry developed, the emergent bourgeoisie disdained to tolerate the tolls, which every fiefdom imposed. Hence, in the “religious wars” of Europe, ”˜divine right”' was defeated by ”˜predestination”' and the modern nation state was born. The new bourgeois Protestantism also dealt a blow to [...]

My Talk With June Bug Regarding Non-Violence

By Peter Molenaar Hah!  June Bug, you have come to rest your long forelegs across a rumple of my jeans”¦evidently not to bite me.  Alright then, it seems we shall enter a state of mutual contemplation.  Are you aware of the violence in this world? Note: “The LGBT community has stood side by side with the American-Muslim community during challenging and difficult times.  We stand together against hatred, violence and demonization of entire communities.” ”“ Jalani Hussein, Executive Director of the Minnesota Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (as found in Alondra Cano”'s NOTICIAS). Do you wonder if I, a proponent of socialism, am also an advocate for violent revolution?  No, marvelous creation of the evolution of matter, God”'s gift to me, I am not.  But neither am I a pacifist, nor do I consider the philosophical concept of “a just war” to be entirely passé.  Yet in the context of our mutual [...]

Wild rice

BY PETER MOLENAAR “Ricey Wild” is the pen name attached to “It Ain”'t Easy Being Indian.”Â  Ricey is a window to the world, as seen from the Fond du Lac reservation.  Her work is published in THE CIRCLE and as such, is part of the fabric of our community. Only occasionally has Ricey vented resentment upon the surrounding White world.  However, in one instance, I was moved to respond from the perspective of an industrial worker (Smith Foundry).  True enough, us white workers are sometimes a tad “slow.”Â  Nonetheless, in our mutual confrontation with the money-power, unity is the requirement of all.  So, the learning process continues. In her April 2016 piece, Ricey decisively leans toward unity by inviting us to become more “Indian.”Â  An example of her sound advice: “Okay, the powwow rules.  When you see the Indians stand up, you do too. When they are quiet you zip it.  No filming”¦when [...]

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