News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Saturday March 8th 2025

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

Fresh Springs And Flowing Streams

By Peter Molenaar It was August 30, 2010 when John T. Williams, a 50-year-old Native American woodcarver, was shot four times by a Seattle police officer. He was simply crossing the street while holding a block of wood and a pocket knife. What year was it when Julani, a Somali neighbor, was gunned down here? True, he brandished a machete, but he was warding off demons, not attacking people. They surrounded him and then”¦ Yes, the long list of victims dates back to slave cargo ships, the genocide, and the inception of “free-enterprise.” No, we will not “get over it.” But now fresh springs burst free from a saturated soil. Small streams combine to form rivers. “The revolution begins now!” And yes, there are countless meetings and public forums. (more…)

The Aura Of Tomas Young

By Peter Molenaar Truly, the new science of brainwave imaging has begun to reveal some interesting things. For example, moments of compassionate giving manifest as definitive and relatively expansive “cloud” formations. As Christmas is approaching, we might now reconsider old reports that the spirit of Jesus emanated a visible aura. But for now, I contemplate the image (year 2005) of a crew-cut “lad” named Tomas Young. Confined to a wheel chair, his sign reads: MR. BUSH WHY WON”'T YOU MEET WITH ME? Alongside Tomas stands Cindy Sheehan. Cindy”'s son Casey was killed in Sadr City (same city, same day) as the bullet severed Tomas”' spine. QUESTION: What “noble cause?” From Tomas Young “The Last Letter” (an excerpt): “I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney”¦your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth”¦I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, know fully who you [...]

All in the Family

By Peter Molenaar Misfits and “free thinking” types should take Cedar Avenue to Hiawatha, west to Highway 94 to 394/12 all the way to Willmar, Minnesota. There you will find a sanctuary. Actually, this particular Unitarian church was founded by my Grandpa Peter Molenaar. I journeyed there recently to attend a reunion. The first encounter was with a second cousin. Mega-factory pig farms had put him out of the hog business years ago. Skeptical with regard to the emerging market for free range pork, Jay has taken to selling John Deere Tractors. Mary Anne, now at 90 years of age, was next on the scene. Taking both her hands, I bowed my head while apologizing for having disrupted one of her Bible lessons. The gift of her last hug will not be forgotten. In came first cousin Steve who had been an accountant in a polyethylene injection molding company. These days he is a “hired hand” on the 450 acre corn and soybean farm his wife owns. Between the two of us, it was [...]

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