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Tuesday July 16th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

Malala Lives

By Peter Molenaar Is it possible that the spirit of a fourteen-year-old Pakistani girl has touched all of us?  Malala Yousafzai faced down death for her cause.  Eventually, a Taliban bullet did crease her skull and traverse her face.  At the time, even this “non-believer” closed his eyes and bowed his head. “Stop burning down our schools, let us learn, we are human beings”, say the teenaged girls who now defiantly conduct their vigils.  They stand openly against Taliban law and its violent enforcement. “Silence is no longer an option”, they tell us. Constitutional reminder (USA): “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”¦”.  ”˜Separation of church and state”˜ is derived from this clause. Meanwhile the local archbishop appears as a leading opponent of same-sex marriage. We respond - do keep your own flock in order as [...]

Paradise Island

By Peter Molenaar While referring to the “Vulture Capitalism” associated with the career of Mr. Mitt Romney, the friendly capitalist, Mr. Warren Buffet said: “There is a real difference between investing and building a company that makes something or provides a service that adds value to the economy, and a barbarian-at-the-gate-style enterprise that loots and strips, making millions for its executives by ripping holes in the economic fabric”. So, come the election, it appears we will decide which sector of capital prevails. Meanwhile”¦ Locally, our Senator Jeff Hayden and Representatives Karen Clark and Susan Allen are spearheading the “Vote No Campaign”. They ask that we uphold the rights of all committed couples and stand up for the democratic rights of the electorate. Vote no on the anti-Marriage Amendment. Vote no on the Photo ID /Voter Restriction Amendment. As it happened, I took an assignment to door knock in the Hawthorne [...]

Obama Family Tree

By Peter Molenaar Did everyone catch the article “Slavery in Obama Family Tree”? I found it fascinating that our President”'s African-American aspect stems, certainly not from his Kenyan father, but very likely from his white mother whose ancestry traces back nearly four centuries to a slave named John Punch. Note: The designation “African-American” has traditionally referred to that nationality which was forged from the very diverse peoples held in bondage together. To the degree that Obama is now conscious of his connection; his identity has become less ambivalent. To continue”¦ “In 1640, Punch, then an indentured servant, escaped from Virginia and went to Maryland. He was captured there and, along with two white servants who had also escaped, was put on trial. His punishment ”“ servitude for life ”“ was harsher than what the white servants received, and it has led some historians to regard him as the first African [...]

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