‘Community Journalism’ Archives
Community Journalism Trainings
By CIRIEN SAADEH Hello Phillips Community!As we mentioned last month, the alley will soon beoffering a few community journalism trainings as part of anongoing partnership.While we’re still scheduling our in-person trainings, we dohave a few Zoom trainings already on the books. These arealways FREE and always open to members of the Phillipscommunity. RSVP by emailing ciriens@journalismofcolor.com. Here are the dates: Zoom Training 1: Jan. 5 at 4 - 5pmZoom Training 2: Jan. 19 at 6 - 7:30pmZoom Training 3: Feb. 2 at 12 - 1:30pmYou can attend one training or more (each training willhave similar content).These trainings are a wonderful way to potentially getinvolved with the alley’s work and to receive free, professionalcommunity journalism trainings.We hope to see you there! Hola a la Comunidad de Phillips!Cómo escribimos el mes pasado, the alley ofrecerá unos entretenimientos deperiodismo comunitario con el apoyo de nuestra asociación colaborativa.Planeamos, para el [...]