News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Thursday March 6th 2025

‘Cover Stories’ Archives


By Sheldon Mains, SPOKES”' founding director On January 1, we had a big change: SPOKES (the community bike center just east of the LRT on 22nd Street) merged with Cycles for Change, a community bike center headquartered in St. Paul. The two community bike centers have very similar programs. Also, Cycles for Change provided fantastic support to SPOKES when it was starting two and a half years ago. We will keep SPOKES great staff, location, programs, and hours. (details at Our Open Shop (where we help you fix your bike) stays on Saturday afternoons and Wednesday evenings, Our Earn-a-Bike course continue, Our Learn-to-Ride course will start again this spring Our volunteer nights stay the same, The Hub Mini Store @SPOKES will actually add hours this spring (adding Sunday to sell reconditioned used bikes) SPOKES is actually merging with an old friend. There has been a long history of collaboration between SPOKES and Cycles for Change (as long as that a [...]

February 2015 Alley Newspaper

February 2015 Alley Newspaper

The First Flames of the Phoenix

The First Flames of the Phoenix

Burned brightly at MGM as literary creativity was unveiled BY PATRICK CABELLO HANSEL Thursday, January 29, 2015, at the Midtown Global Market saw the first literary magazine launch of the year in Minneapolis””The Phoenix of Phillips. What makes it most noteworthy was that it featured the writing of youth and adults from our neighborhood. Children as young as eight, seniors who”'ve lived a long time, amateurs and professional writers shared their vision and their talent. The debut of The Phoenix was also the opening of the annual youth photography show of St. Paul”'s Lutheran Church. “We Are Midtown Phillips” is the work of talented youth ages seven to eighteen, who photographed their neighborhood during the summer and fall of 2014. At festivals, at block parties and on the street, in school and the market, and in a dark room lit by a candle, the young people saw the beauty of the community, and captured its diversity. (more…)

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