‘Cover Stories’ Archives
This is the 40th Mayday!
Dear Neighbors! On Sunday May 4, 2014, we will celebrate the 40th Mayday Festival””born from the Phillips Neighborhood! THANK YOU! You make Mayday happen! Last year at this time I wrote you an in-depth letter about our yearly and critical need for volunteers and monetary support. This year I write with gratitude for the massive response from you all, as well as a heart filled with so many memories from the past 39 years. Thank you! Here is an invitation for the upcoming Community Planning Meetings, a call for your much needed donations to assure Mayday”'s continuance, and an invitation for you to submit your special stories/ photos /video clips from the past 39 years. HELP KEEP MAYDAY SOLVENT Every year we raise funds to have Mayday pay its way. In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre is the creator and producer of Mayday. Contrary to popular assumption, the City of Minneapolis, and the Minneapolis Park Board DO NOT finance this event. In [...]