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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

‘Cover Stories’ Archives

Spectacular May

Spectacular May

By Harvey Winje In the Heart of the Beast”'s MayDay Parade and Festival, hallmarks a new Spring season and the month of May which is full of other wonderful events in the neighborhoods surrounding Powderhorn Park, the destination of the Parade and the site of the Festival of Life that will draw tens of thousands of people on Sunday May 6th. The Parade and Festival - originated to help unite the neighborhoods surrounding Powderhorn Park - has now,  broadened becoming a unifier of individuals, groups, and organizations city-wide, an icon of the City of Mpls. nationally, and, this year, embellished by including the local “Transition Town” movement as an “umbrella” theme that advocates for a more sustainable, oil-independent place to live in South Minneapolis and across the globe. The hundreds of people creating the Parade and Festival have chosen their focus from  HOBT “Avalon” Lobby Story Board and auditorium/workshop workbench [...]

April 2012 Alley Newspaper

April 2012 Alley Newspaper

A Plethora

A Plethora

By Harvey Winje When students, public policy makers, funders, journalists and other observers inquire about the area of the  Backyard Initiative”“Central, Powderhorn Park, Corcoran and the four neighborhoods of Phillips”“typical questions residents are asked include: “What are the problems that affect your community? “Is anyone or any group trying to make change or trying to solve these problems?” “Why doesn”'t anything appear to be changing?” The issues or problems to which they refer are less than half of the story since they are only referring to negative factors and statistics that affect the whole.  Fortunately for us, more than half of the story is that we have an abundance or a plethora of very positive characteristics, circumstances, infrastructures, and amenities to apply to the problems which, in turn, restores wellness to our lives. This issue of The Alley Newspaper portrays some examples [...]

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