‘Cover Stories’ Archives
Alley Communications, Inc., producer of The Alley Newspaper: Accomplishments in 2011
The Alley Newspaper was able to produce a unique issue each month that also had continuity with previous issues and past years which regularly featured articles and art produced by: Bob Albee, Erin Thomasson, Sue Hunter Weir, Patrick Cabello Hansel, Howard McQuitter, Peter Molenaar, Dave Moore, and Janice Barbee. Continued multi-year exclusive publishing of these unique features found in no other newspaper: Tales from Pioneers and Soldiers Cemeteries, “Spirit of Phillips” Cartoons and Dave”'s Dumpster, Raise Your Voice, Searching, Backyard Initiative Updates and Annual Report, and Movie Corner. Published the complete monthly Calendar of the Franklin Community Library and Computer Center each month. New features were added this year: the Crossword puzzle by Sami Pfeffer and Snack Attack by Courtney Algeo. We had increased coverage of the four Phillips Community Neighborhood Groups--- Phillips West, Midtown Phillips, East Phillips and Ventura Village- [...]
Become an Alley Ally today!
January 2012 Dear Friend of the Alley: The Alley Newspaper is the free community newspaper of the Phillips neighborhood in Minneapolis, serving over 20,000 residents, businesses, and visitors. Published on a shoe string budget and largely volunteer run, the Alley informs, engages, facilitates communication, and promotes the exchange of information, opinion, culture and creativity among Phillips residents. We are writing today to launch a new initiative ”“ an Alley Ally campaign. We ask you to consider becoming an Alley Ally to sustain our ability to continue to publish our monthly print newspaper. Your tax deductible donation of $100 or whatever you can give will keep our print edition alive. The Alley is the only paper to concentrate exclusively on the Phillips Community. This allows us to cover in-depth the issues and stories that matter to the people who live here as written by people who live, work, or attend school here. It ensures that our stories are told [...]