‘Cover Stories’ Archives
Community Journalism Trainings Up and Running Again
Contract Upheld After Challenge from City Attorney's Office Above: Folks attend a Community Journalism Training. SOURCE: Cirien Saadeh FREE Community Journalism Trainings will begin in January 2024. This program is in conjunction with the Journalism of Color Training Center, Alley Communications, publisher of the alley newspaper, and Phillips West Neighborhood Organization. There will be five distinct trainings. For specific dates, locations, and more info, email:info@journalismofcolor.com Sponsored by: Alley Communications, Journalism of Color Training Center, and Phillips West
20th Year of Phillips Community Clean Sweep a Huge Success
By JANA METGE Another successful Clean Sweep Event on October 14th celebrated it’s 20th year! 500 people participated beginning with a quick breakfast and coffee at the Welna Hardware parking lot where volunteers were assigned litter pick-up areas, given pick-up supplies, and 20th Year Clean Sweep T-Shirts; entertained by the music of a small brass band still available on several social media videos; check them out, they were fantastic! Clean Sweep volunteers do some amazing heavy lifting into Citycompactor trucks. PHOTO: Somali TV Officers Zander Krohnfeldt and Drea Mays lend a hand at Clean Sweep. From 9:30 to noon, residents and groups of volunteers from organizations picked up litter in all four Phillips Community Neighborhoods - Ventura Village, Phillips West, Midtown Phillips, and East Phillips.Phillips Community Clean Sweep pays for 6 Trucks staffed by Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling. One truck for each of the 4 neighborhoods and two speciality trucks. The [...]
Simple Pleasures
Peace House Community - A Place to Belong By MARTI MALTBY Marti Maltby Lately, the negativity of the world has affected me more than usual. Over the last few months, several supporters and members at Peace House Community have died or experienced some form of trauma. World news has been bleak. The mornings are darker and colder. Sadly, I’m one of the fortunate ones, as I know many people have to deal with more problems than me. I recently asked some friends what helps them cope when they start feeling overwhelmed. As a group, we had a difficult time finding an answer. It turns out that, if there’s one thing that will increase someone’s sadness, it’s finding out that there’s no clear antidote to sadness. Eventually, I did experience something that lifted my mood. Peace House Community held an anniversary event where we went out of our way to say thank-you to our supporters. In the past, anniversary parties have been a combination of “Thank-You Party” and [...]