News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 10th 2025

‘Cover Stories’ Archives

“To Catch the Glow”

By Wendell Phillips Stafford, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, from 1911 Centennial Speech “”¦Not many men deserve to be remembered on their hundredth birthday; but Wendell Phillips”'s second centennial may be better observed than his first.  ”¦” “”¦The battle has moved onward; there are fighters in the field.  It is not an hour for curse or lamentation.  It is an hour for consecration of knighthood, for vigil, and for vow.  We do not come to praise you, Wendell Phillips; you have received already your eternal great reward.  We have come to catch the glow of your great spirit and resolve to make our lives like yours.  Here, where a century ago your life began, we are gathered to celebrate your coming with deep thanksgiving and with solemn joy, pledging ourselves anew to the grand purpose to which your life was devoted”“a war against all oppression, for the liberty of [...]

Why is the Phillips Neighborhood Named “Phillips?” Why Should We Care? 11-11-11

Why is the Phillips Neighborhood Named “Phillips?” Why Should We Care? 11-11-11

By Jim Stewart In the September Alley Newspaper we learned that our neighborhood was named after Wendell Phillips, a spectacular, inspiring fighter for social, economic and racial justice who lived in Boston over 150 years ago. (1811-1884) We learned that he hated slavery and racism, fought for workers”' rights, demanded equality for women and insisted that Native Peoples be left to live peacefully in their own lands. We learned that he was incredibly rich, but gave away his fortune to people seeking justice and equality. We learned that he was a fabulous public speaker who developed a huge influence on public opinion to finally abolish slavery and advance the rights of people of color. How right it is that the part of Minneapolis that is the least wealthy, that contains the most people of color, that suffers most from multiple discrimination and that is most exploited economically is named after this guy!  He is our historical champion”“He is our inspiring [...]

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