Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday January 7th 2025

‘Cover Stories’ Archives

Eight Reasons Why Riding the Bus Could be the Most Radical Thing You Do

Eight Reasons Why Riding the Bus Could be the Most Radical Thing You Do

By MATTIE WONG In the wake of 2020, many of us reconsidered our safety and retreated from the public realm. If we had the means, we weighed our options and decided to use individual forms of transportation - automobiles, walking, biking, etc. Many of us are still a little shell-shocked and find it hard to return to public transportation. Spotted in a store window on a recent trip to Montreal. Translated, it says, "Thank you for choosing collective transportation." There are real - and imagined - issues with safety on public transportation. It’s a Catch-22 where in the retreat from public services, we also retracted the safety we GAVE when entering a public space. We left to keep our bodies safe, and in return, our bodies weren’t a safety to each other anymore. Now all our bodies are a little less safe. A friend of mine said, ‘Oh, well, I don’t take the bus because I don’t have to.’ It made me wonder if taking the bus really is a ‘have-to’ situation, or why [...]

Consequences of War on Russian-Speaking Community

Part 1 of 4 By ALENA DOBRIAKOVA, Community Journalist-In-Training EDITOR’S NOTE - Due to the original length of the article and gravity of the topic being discussed, we have chosen to break the story up into smaller segments to publish through the next 4 months. War brings destruction, loss of loved ones, and cultural conflicts between people who were once like one family. In the context of the ongoing war, the internal experiences of Russian-speaking immigrants have become more acute. These people are stuck between cultures, facing feelings of guilt, fear, and isolation.I interviewed Russian and Ukrainian immigrants to explore how their lives have changed since the war began. The main focus of the interview is on the consequences of the conflict in an emotional, social and cultural sense, including internal conflict of identity, attitudes toward the dynamics of the society in which we live at the moment, and how people cope with the complexities of war. To protect the [...]

Four Things to Know About the East Phillips Urban Farm Project this December

Four Things to Know About the East Phillips Urban Farm Project this December

Meet EPNI at the alley’s celebration on December 5th to learn about the history and future of the Roof Depot siteDecember Community Meeting: Learn about rainwater recycling and help design a rainwater collection system for the Roof Depot site, details on EPNI’s calendar at epnifarm.org/events (rescheduled from November)EPNI has a weekly public Zoom call every Wednesday from 5-6pm - hope to see you there sometime! (See EPNI’s calendar for the Zoom link.)Check out the recently launched “View from the Future” poster series, made by local artists and East Phillip community members at epnifarm.org/artLearn more and get in touch online at linktr.ee/epnifarm

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