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Saturday July 20th 2024

‘Cover Stories’ Archives



Magdalena Kaluza: Direct Action By GAEA DILL-D”™ASCOLI Reprinted with permission from Minnesota Women's Press "By sharing vulnerability, we build deeper relationships. We need deep relationships to face what”™s coming ”” floods, heat waves, climate refugees.” Magdalena Kaluza (photo courtesy of Magdalena Kaluza) The story of Magdalena Kaluza starts with their parents. Their mother is a white American woman of Polish and French-Canadian descent with family ties in the Iron Range, who went to Guatemala to study Spanish. Their father is of Mayan K”™iche”™ mixed race (mestizo) who played the guitar and grew up in the midst of the revolution. Both parents were working towards social justice and solidarity before Kaluza was born. Kaluza”™s day job is working at Take Action Minnesota, which allows them to deepen community ties through storytelling while engaging in social justice work. In 2019, Kaluza [...]

Let’s Get This Garden Started!

Let’s Get This Garden Started!

By MARY ELLEN KALUZA Dreaming of spring and summer... (illustrations by Jessie Merriam, photos by Mary Ellen Kaluza of her garden) March in Minnesota. The days are noticeably longer. We are longing to have dirt under our nails. But isn't it too early? There's still snow on the ground. It's the perfect time to get the garden started. First: Plan your garden Know your space””how much sun do you get in the different areas? Put your parka on and go outside. Imagine the trees are fully leafed-out and the sun moving high across the sky. Most vegetables need a lot of sun. Leafy greens can do well in more shaded areas and may actually produce larger leaves valiantly trying to absorb as much sunlight as possible. Save the sunniest areas for tomatoes, peppers, and other fruiting plants. Carrots and other root vegetables will tolerate some shade. Make your wish list, then pare it down to fit your space. Map out your garden with sun and plant size in mind. Buy your [...]

March 2021

March 2021

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