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Friday July 19th 2024

‘Cover Stories’ Archives

What”'s possible for HOTB, MayDay?

What”'s possible for HOTB, MayDay?

by TESHA M. CHRISTENSEN Bruce SilcoxHOTB has been a offering after-school and summer programs for kids at Little Earth, the Waite House, and Collaborative Village (a PPL project) for several years. About 150 kids are part of this year-round program that focuses on telling the stories of the Phillips neighborhoods and participants”' cultures. Along the way, children learn shadow puppeting, stilts, storytelling and more. In the Heart of the Beast Theater (HOTB) has already said farewell to two staff members, and by June 2019 it won”'t have any full-time staff left. But it isn”'t disappearing.  Executive Director Corrie Zoll is hopeful about the organization”'s future and believes it is full of exciting possibilities. “This is an extremely painful moment,” Zoll admitted. “At the same time, I”'m really looking forward to conversations with people about what is possible.” WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM? HOTB [...]

In the Heart of the Beast is short of funds, losing staff but looking to the community for answers

In the Heart of the Beast is short of funds, losing staff but looking to the community for answers

Bruce SilcoxHOTB Executive Director Corrie Zoll is hopeful about the organization”'s future and believes it is full of exciting possibilities. “This is an extremely painful moment,” Zoll admitted. “At the same time, I”'m really looking forward to conversations with people about what is possible.” Last year, HOTB had expected to receive a $30,000 foundation grant that it did not get, which meant that MayDay operated at a loss of over $50,000. This was covered by reserve funds but HOTB can”'t continue to do that. The organization doesn”'t feel that it can be the sole organizer of the event anymore as it has grown so much. Drop by Feb. 5 to share your ideas at a community meeting, 7-9 p.m. at 1500 E. Lake St. AT A GLANCE >> MayDay Parade and Festival will indeed happen this year: Sunday, May 5, 2019. >> In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre has been the sole producer of MayDay for 45 years. >> [...]

City says ”˜no”' to Roof Depot urban farm

City says ”˜no”' to Roof Depot urban farm

Council prioritizes office space to farm and jobs proposed by local residents DJR rendering of EPNI farm proposal. by CAROL PASS, EPIC & EPNI On Dec. 7, 2018 the Minneapolis City Council voted to deny any space at the Roof Depot site for the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm project, replacing it with a voter services office, class space for ELL, citizenship classes and resume building and meeting space for community conferences.  Adding these features here does not respond to the needs of this community. First, all can be accommodated at the nearby East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, which this community funded, designed and caused to be built. Second, the critical lack of parking and extreme traffic congestion at the Roof Depot site make it seriously problematic for any of these activities. It would be helpful if more council members were familiar with this location before voting to further challenge it.  However, council member Cano inserted [...]

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