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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday July 19th 2024

‘Cover Stories’ Archives

The 43-year path traveled by The Alley newspaper

The 43-year path traveled by The Alley newspaper

Wendell Phillips By HARVEY WINJE PREAMBLE People have told stories, shared information, and offered opinions for many ages and without printed paper and recordings through avenues that have there own style of permanence. Hieroglyphics, art and picture writing provided a means that could be preserved in another style of permanence. The printing press increased the possibility of a broader way to distribute written communication but fewer people were able to produce the writing. Electronic and social media has expanded the amount of communication occurring and with much less expense and to many more people. In 1976, some people in the Phillips Community knew the benefits of some written form of talking to one another that could also help to preserve the community”'s history. Thus, a newspaper began and took the name “The Alley”, acknowledging some of the most common, honest, and least pretentious, day-to-day conversation happens in backyards and across [...]

What’s next for The Alley – November 2018 update

What’s next for The Alley – November 2018 update

BULLETIN! EPNI Indoor Urban Farm Supporters

BY CAROL PASS The future of the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm project will now be determined at the Wednesday, Nov. 14 Ways & Means Committee meeting at 1:30 P.M. 3rd floor of City Hall after the possibility of a negotiated settlement regarding the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm was removed from the October 30th Ways & Means meeting. We need your presence on the 14th of Nov. to show citywide support for a sustainable East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm Project. This delay will provide the City and Public Works time to understand EPNI”'s 2-acre proposal with shared space. The fact is: this is the smallest possible sustainable size for this project. We have worked the math and done the research ”“ anything smaller and we no longer have a project. We need to make this clear. Shrinking this project further will absolutely require us to give up the entire project, something we are not prepared to do. Come stand with us for the promise of a positive economic [...]

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