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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday July 19th 2024

‘Cover Stories’ Archives

1977 UN Geneva Conference – Dick Bancroft: champion with a camera

1977 UN Geneva Conference – Dick Bancroft: champion with a camera

DICK BANCROFTThese men photographed and documented by Dick Bancroft are a few of the many representatives attending the 1977 UN Geneva Conference. Left to right Ted Means, Greg Zephier, Russell Means, Oren R. Lyons, Jr., Larry Red Shirt, and Francis Andrew He Crow First Declaration of International Indigenous Day By LAURA WATERMAN WITTSTOCK In the August issue of The Alley, I told readers the story of how Dick Bancroft loved cameras and picture taking since he was a young boy. Dick died at the age of 91 on July 16th. What I did not fully explain is that he spent years on his collection of photographs, much of it with Jaime Haire, his editor and archivist. Jaime worked diligently on the photographs that appeared in Dick”'s book, We Are Still Here, published by the Minnesota Historical Society Press in 2013. Dick and I collaborated on the text and photos with pretty much him doing the photos and me doing the text. His photos are brilliant and clearly illustrative of the period [...]

Alley Update – September 2018

Alley Update – September 2018

What Does It Mean To Be a Community Newspaper? The first issue of The Alley Newspaper was produced in January 1976 making this mighty community newspaper 42 years old. Alley Communications is the non-profit (501c3) organization whose mission is to inform and engage members of our community, to increase community awareness and to promote community connections and conversations among and between its residents, businesses, and organizations. Neighborhood residents are the publication”'s reporters and writers telling their stories in their own words. The Alley is made available free to readers, a reflection of the commitment to providing barrier-free access to information and knowledge. Unlike traditional media sources that write articles about our community most often by folks who do not live here or with little stake in our wellbeing, The Alley Newspaper lifts up the many diverse voices and ways of knowing of the people who live and work here. We are also able to tell positive [...]

Wizard Marks, assiduous artisan of articulation, bestowed a treasure trove of written wisdom

Wizard Marks, assiduous artisan of articulation, bestowed a treasure trove of written wisdom

Wizard Marks”' Alley writings are “Bound for the Future” at Libraries.Wizards Marks left indelible marks (pun intended) with superb articles and extensive investigative reports for The Alley from mid 1980s to 1990s. Her excellent work is now bound within reprinted Alley Newspapers in hard-cover volumes at the Hennepin County Franklin Community Library and the Hennepin County Minneapolis Library. Wizard Marks 1943-2018 Wizard Maureen Marks was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1943 to Elizabeth Ruth Marks Halpin and Vincent Paul Halpin, and raised in a WWII federal housing project called “English Woods.” “It was a ghetto away from other neighborhoods, a ghetto in the woods,” Marks said and “because it was segregated, it was inhabited by hillbillies.”””her people. Cincinnati is the first major stop north of the Mason-Dixon Line along the Dixie Highway, the main migration route for hillbillies. In those days, federal projects did [...]

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