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‘Cover Stories’ Archives

June 2017 Alley Newspaper

June 2017 Alley Newspaper

Native Culture, Cuisine, & Good Will: Tours, France also savoring French Culture, Cuisine, History and Politics

Native Culture, Cuisine, & Good Will: Tours, France also savoring French Culture, Cuisine, History and Politics

AIM Interpretive Center Achieves Success in Tours France By Norma Renville & Jack Swanson After two years of planning and development work conducted by American Indian Movement Interpretive Center (AIMIC) board members, staff and consultants the AIMIC sold over 750 bags of White Earth”'s Organically Certified Wild Rice at the Foire de Tours in Tours, France.  The Foire, which is similar to our State Fair, is an international fair held each year with feature themes that have included Portugal, Italy and Japan in the past. Minneapolis, Minnesota was the theme of the Foire this year because it marks the 25th anniversary of Tours, France and Minneapolis being Sister Cities. AIMIC wanted to take advantage of the Foire theme being Minneapolis, Minnesota and also the fact that Tours is one of four cities in France that are designated a Cité de la Gastronomie (a city of gastronomy) by the French government to launch our wild rice venture. The people of Tours really [...]

East Phillips SummerFest

East Phillips SummerFest

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