News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday March 9th 2025

‘Cover Stories’ Archives

Irreconcilable Differences?

BY MISHEHARU P. DAWKINS What does the election of Donald Trump say about us as a nation and us as individuals? First I am going to try and explain what it means to me, and then I am going to try and explain what I believe it means for us as a country. As I watched on Election Day with my family as each state rolled in and Hillary Clinton kept losing state after state, I would not allow myself to believe that Donald Trump would become the 45th president of this country. I want to make it clear that I was no fan of Hillary but if the good people of this nation were watching what I was watching, there was no way Trump would win. That is the heart of the disappointment for me. What I thought we were, who I thought we were becoming had suddenly eroded significantly in one night. Don”'t get me wrong, I suffer from no illusions that somehow race doesn”'t matter. When former President Obama won there were people from all walks of life, colors and cultures supporting a man and his [...]

The Next Four Years, More or Less

BY LAURA WATERMAN WITTSTOCK Donald Trump”'s campaign for president has taken the lion”'s share of newsprint and media time, for 15 months, from the time of his splashy announcement from the Trump Tower in New York City. There was a crowded Republican field of 16 candidates, five of whom dropped out before the Iowa caucuses in February, 2016, and another nine who dropped out later in February and March. The final two: Ted Cruz and John Kasich dropped out in May, following bruising primary fights filled with personal insults and innuendo. This left Donald Trump alone to face the Democratic candidates: Secretary Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders who were themselves locked in an intense fight in the primaries. Once Sanders conceded, Clinton had little time left to fully prepare for her adversary and his street fighter”'s style of campaigning. Unafraid to cast insults and state falsehoods, Trump whipped the crowds who came to see him into chanting, “lock [...]

Larry Levanthal April 28, 1941- January 17, 2017 The Cosmos has Grown by One More Star

BY LAURA WATERMAN WITTSTOCK Larry Leventhal died on January 17, 2017 following a long battle with pancreatic cancer. He was a well-known attorney who represented people who had been wronged in some way, and he also wrote wills and in the case of my family, represented us in juvenile court as we undertook the adoption of our great grandchild. In contrast to this kind of work, he took on some of the most formidable opponents imaginable, including the United States government. During his 50-year career in the practice of law, he focused much of his time on the legal affairs of tribal nations and American Indian nonprofit organizations. During the course of the history of the Indian Education Act, passed in 1972 and released for grantmaking in 1973, Larry represented and assisted numerous schools and tribal nations. Although both Heart of the Earth Survival School and the Red School House are no longer operating, he assisted both with research on changes in the regulations affecting [...]

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