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Monday January 13th 2025

‘Health’ Archives

President Obama in Town for Health-Care Reform Rally

President Obama in Town for Health-Care Reform Rally

By Raymond Jackson On Saturday, September 5, President Obama returned to Minneapolis and spoke to a crowd of 17,000 at the downtown Minneapolis Target Center. This Health-Care Reform Bill is taking on a life of it”'s own as many in the Legislature labor hard to get this bill through. It is attached to a lot of confusion and unclear tactical planning that the President is trying to clear up as he tours the country, both in person and via electronically. At this time it is still not a sure thing to pass. There is a lot of opposition based on clarity and half truths on both sides. I have only electronically followed President Obama”'s path, since attending his Inauguration last February, so this is my first subsequent write up surrounding his presidency. I noticed several months ago that many major news outlets began to refer to him quite often as Mr. Obama, instead of President Obama, which helped to swell opposition to his official titling as President of The United [...]

H1N1 Flu: Prevention, and Vaccine

by Kristen Godfrey and Sarah Ekerholm The seasonal influenza vaccine is now available; if you would like to lessen your chance of getting the seasonal flu, you should get the vaccine. Getting a vaccination in the fall gives your body a chance to build up immunity and protect itself from the flu virus. It is important to note that the seasonal flu vaccine will not protect against H1N1 influenza. There is no vaccine available yet for H1N1, but it is expected that the vaccine will be available sometime in October. If you are among the following groups, it is recommended that you receive the H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available: pregnant women, health-care and emergency services personnel, people who are 6 months through 24 years old, people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months and people age 25 through 64 who have chronic health conditions. Currently, the H1N1 influenza symptoms have been similar to seasonal influenza and have not been severe. However, there [...]

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