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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Saturday July 20th 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

Raise Your Voice: Shane is his name

Raise Your Voice: Shane is his name

By PETER MOLENAAR Peter Molenaar Once a month, 15 copies of the Alley are delivered to Little Earth Neighborhood Early Learning Center at 2438 18th Ave. S. While delivering the July issue, I witnessed Native children joyfully play with children of all races under multi-ethnic supervision. Thoughtful people, our community nurtures a beautiful example to the world. However, an opioid crisis among the destitute penetrates. It is a crisis which began long ago. In the period of 1842-44, Fred Engels, first son of an industrial capitalist, wrote the book entitled: “The Condition of the Working-Class of England.” This was the book which convinced a man named Karl Marx that the working-class would be the agent of history”™s final revolution. This ”˜proletariate”™ was derived from displaced peasants, a people who had worked parcels of the Lord”™s land for centuries, forced off to satisfy the new industrial demand for wool. Sheep [...]

Alley July 2019

Alley July 2019


The following letters were written to city officials and submitted to The Alley. “Right to be involved ”“ Public participation is based on the belief that those who are affably a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process.” (Passed by Minneapolis City Council in 2007 - updated in 2014).  I am Shontal Lajuenesse. Why has public works and the city council REFUSED to allow the East Phillips Community to present our East Phillips indoor Urban farm plan at any of your meetings??? We DO NOT want your pollution and congestion. We have enough already. And Yes! We want clean water, but we also deserve to BREATHE. Where is the justice?  Shontal Lajuenesse I am Amy Pass, and I have lived in the East Phillips neighborhood for the last 21 years. The residents of East Phillips already are exposed to high levels of pollution, and my daughter was tested and found to have high levels of arsenic when she was a preschooler. Our neighborhood is [...]

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