‘Miscellany’ Archives
By SHELIA BLAND A storage place for wounds that won’t heal.A harbor for aging, putrid resentmentsA spice rack for sniper attacks and ridiculeA bunker of hidden, forgotten hopes and dreamsA leaky faucet of laughterA moldy basement of surprisesA cast for shaping yet confining.A hologram of happinessAn Instagram, Hollywood, TikTok selfie of “Happily Ever After.” Shelia Bland lives in Midtown Phillips. She has been writing most of her life to help herself understand the experiences and people in her shared world.
Senior renters are Struggling; Problems at Bii Di Gain are the Tip of the Iceberg

By AUSTIN FLEMING A longer version of this piece first appeared in Sahan Journal, a nonprofit newsroom covering Minnesota’s immigrants and communities of color. You can access it at https://sahanjournal.com/community-voices/senior-renters-minneapolis-bii-di-gain/ Signs posted on the gate of the Bii Di Gain Dash Anwebi affordable housing apartment complex in south Minneapolis on May 1, 2024, demand better living conditions. PHOTO: Katelyn Vue, Sahan Journal On May 1, protesters and residents rallied at Bii Di Gain Dash Anwebi in south Minneapolis to draw attention to the poor living conditions and lack of maintenance at the affordable housing complex. The unfortunate reality is these elders are not not alone in struggling to feel safe and secure in their homes.I am an AmeriCorps VISTA member, working as a tenant organizer with Home Line and the Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP). I have spent a significant amount of time organizing renters in buildings either marketed or [...]