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Monday March 10th 2025

‘Miscellany’ Archives

Community Journalism Training at Ebenezer Tower!

Community Journalism Training at Ebenezer Tower!

The 5th and final Alley Communications Community Journalism Training Workshopconducted by Cirien Saadeh, Journalism of Color Training Center was held onSaturday, March 16, in the Community Room on the 23rd floor of the Ebenezer TowerApartments. It was held as a hybrid event with participants on Zoom and in person. PHOTOS: Susan Gust

Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness

from the series Movie Corner 4 out of 5 Stars Bleecker Street 2024Thriller/Horror/ Mystery By HOWARD MCQUITTER II Howard McQuitter II Scottish director Andrew Cumming has crafted a most unusual film. His first full feature film Out Of Darkness occurs in prehistoric times - 45,000 years ago - where survival is of the utmost importance. Yet Cumming’s clever work does not rely on survival alone but crosses the genres of horror, thriller, and mystery. The people at that time are hunter gatherers, finding land that is not barren and has enough food and water for subsistence. When the area is barren, Adem (Chuku Modu), the group’s leader, along with Heron (Luna Mwezi), his younger brother Geirr (Kit Young), and their elderly aide Odal (Arno Luning) leave for more fertile land only to find out it is just as barren as the land they left. The group is joined by a straggler, Beyah (Safia Oakley Green) and travels to another unforgiving landscape. Beyah is worried that she [...]

Ventura Village April ’24

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