News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 10th 2025

‘Miscellany’ Archives

Around Town: Feb ’24

Around Town: Feb ’24

Jayanthi Kyle celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day South Minneapolis Style with a godchild at Powderhorn Park Recreation Center on January 15th. The celebration is an annual Southside tradition sponsored by the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board and the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Organization. CREDIT: Laura Hulscher On January 7th, Patrick Johnson, regional business agent for the National Letter Carriers Association, addressed a downtown rally in front of the main post office. Sadly, our carriers have been targeted by those seeking to steal the key to your mailbox. NALC is calling for neighborhood awareness and respect under the law. CREDIT: Peter Molenaar

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Smith Foundry: No Update

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Smith Foundry: No Update

By H. LYNN ADELSMAN CREDIT: EVAN MULHOLLAND On January 11, 2024 the Climate Justice Committee and EPNI held a community meeting to address Smith Foundry’s hazardous emissions with no Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff in attendance. (See chair above: sign courtesy of: Stacey Gurian-Sherman) In late December the MPCA repeatedly wrote and spoke of their concern for the Phillips community saying they “continue to work with neighborhood, groups and local state and federal partners to address your concerns to protect the health and well-being of East Philip residents.” But there are no statements or actions other than the MPCA noting it has installed air quality monitors in the neighborhood and is awaiting a mid April 2024 Emissions Monitoring Plan from Smith. Ongoing delays, after decades of no interest, response or complying with the Clark Bergin Cumulative impact law from 2008, result in business as usual. Save the date:Smith Foundry community meeting [...]

Community Journalism is a Tool for Justice and Community-Building

By CIRIEN SAADEH, Journalism of Color Training Center Over the next few months the alley newspaper will be working alongside the Journalism of Color Training Center and Phillips West Neighborhood Organization to offer a series of free community journalism training workshops (see announcement on Community Journalism Tab). These workshops are an opportunity for every one of us to explore the power and purpose of community journalism. The journalism produced by the Star Tribune or Minnesota Public Radio is not the same as community journalism, yet most of us do not have the opportunity to learn how the alley (or any other local community-specific news organization) differs from those big news sources we tend to hear most about. Community newspapers like the alley, North News, or the Minnesota Women’s Press, for example, serve a specific community that shares common interests or shared experiences. Community journalism also functions differently than traditional legacy or [...]

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