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Tuesday July 23rd 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

Pursuit of Ugly Building”'s Legacy: a Treasure Trove like pearls inside an oyster

Pursuit of Ugly Building”'s Legacy: a Treasure Trove like pearls inside an oyster

“Don”'t prejudge value by outward appearance alone” BY SHARI ALBERS For 15 months, a group of local history-minded folks have fought to save the odd-shaped building sometimes known as “the Burma Shave building” on the southwest corner of 21st Avenue South and Lake Street. It appears that all hope of saving even part of the building is lost. Led by the indomitable Steve Sandberg, our group had a theatrical presence at Open Lake Street 2016, researched much beyond Burma Shave”'s history, registered with Minnesota Preservation Alliance in hopes of getting a historical survey, paid over $500 in fees, and testified to the Heritage Preservation Commission and Minneapolis City Council. Through our research, we discovered that the building at 2019 E. Lake St. was originally a Congregationalist Church””thus the timber frame-post and beam roof in the middle of the structure. It was built in 1882 near the current Midtown Farmers Market. In 1911, the [...]

Phillips Aquatic Center: Signed, Sealed”¦

Phillips Aquatic Center: Signed, Sealed”¦

BY DENNY BENNETT In early 2018, I will be able to finish that headline, but come on, be honest, how many of you never thought we would get to this point? Folks, this facility is 100%, officially being built, with the ground-breaking ceremony to occur after the new year. Go ahead and ask for a new swimsuit for your birthday this year! At this point, more than $1,000,000 has already been spent on planning, design, permits, engineering and compliance. In November, the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) approved a contract with Morcon Construction Company, Inc. for $5,644,000 to do the following: Renovation of the existing 6-lane pool and spectator area; Addition of a 4-lane teaching pool with associated family lockers rooms, a community room, public restrooms, staff support areas, a new check in desk dedicated to aquatics; Entrance canopy and signage; Site work including an expanded parking lot, storm water best-management practices, parking lot [...]

Note to Self

By Thomas R. Smith on November 9, 2016 2:50 PM Well, we die whether we stay together or fall apart. Finally the world goes on its way without us. The most scourge-like name alive today will one day be spoken seldom if at all. To what purpose this sighing and raging? To what purpose this pain? The main thing is to be a part of one”'s time, no matter which side seems to be winning. It”'s OK to be a noble failure, a fool in the eyes of the world, to die in the relentless faith of a Pete Seeger or Rachel Carson. The big truck taking up so much space will one day come to the end of its road. (more…)

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