‘Miscellany’ Archives
Yard Waste Collection Ends Week of
November 27

ILLUSTRATION: Jake Ryan By THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS City customers’ garbage day for the week of November 27 to December 1 will be their last 2023 pickup for leaves, brush and other yard trimmings. The yard waste collection season is permanently extended through the end of November to accommodate late-dropping leaves.Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling customers can set properly prepared yard waste at their alleys or curbs next to their garbage carts by 6 AM on garbage day. Set yard waste out in a reusable container, in compostable bags (paper or BPI-certified compostable plastic bags,) or bundled with string or twine (no wire or tape). Other requirements Reusable containers must be 32-38 gallons in size and at least 26 inches high with sturdy handles. Reusable containers are lifted and emptied by hand; they must be easily managed. Yard waste is not allowed in City-provided containers.Any container, bag or bundle must weigh less than 40 pounds.Branches must be less [...]