News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday March 9th 2025

‘Miscellany’ Archives

What is Your Favorite Place in the Phillips Community?

What is Your Favorite Place in the Phillips Community?

The alley was out basking in the sun with neighbors at Stewart Park for the Phillips Clean Sweep Resource Fair on October 19th. It was an energetic day - food, music, information, and inspiration were shared by all! We asked people to name one of their favorite places in Phillips, here’s what we heard: Little Earth - MargaretStewart Park – IsraelMy House in Phillips – RohanVenture bike shop!What I like in the Phillips Community is the thrift store - ChristinaSwedish Institute basement – Vivian M H.Phillips Community Center swimming pool – MollyMidtown Global Market – KarenVincent de Paul Thrift Store – Marie and BrianCedar Field - MayaLake Street is my favorite place – LauraMy house on 27th and 17th – RoseStewart Park. The kids can come and play! – Judith Is there a place in the Phillips Community that is special to you? Why not send your thoughts to us to share in the alley? Submissions can be sent to

Learn How Having an Assistance Dog Changes Lives

Learn How Having an Assistance Dog Changes Lives

Can Do Canines to Host Open House November 9th By CAREN HANSEN, Marketing & Communications Manager at Can Do Canines Lead Trainer Emily Hedenland and Yana, an assistance dog in training, demonstrate important skills at a recent Can Do Canines open house. Photo: Caren Hansen Can Do Canines will host an open house on Saturday, November 9, from noon to 2 pm, at its Can Do Canines campus (9440 Science Center Drive, New Hope, Minn.). Potential clients, volunteers, or anyone who might be interested in supporting the organization is invited to attend to learn how an assistance dog changes the life of a person with a disability.Through a self-guided tour, attendees will be able to watch a trainer working with an assistance dog, talk with a dog host volunteer and staff members from the volunteer department, pose questions to client services coordinators, and meet graduate teams from five types that Can Do Canines trains dogs: hearing, mobility, seizure, diabetes, and childhood [...]

Behind the Signs

By MARY ELLEN KALUZA The May Day Cafe sign design has changed a few times over the years. The story of the first sign that covered up the former Powderhorn Community Co-op sign is lost to memory. Two highly skilled and creative sign painters are behind the subsequent charming variations: Phil Vandervaart created the first with the sunflower in the coffee cup, and collaborated with Forrest Wozniak ( on the current sign.Phil, an iconic artist, has been sign painting since the 1970’s. His work is EVERYWHERE in Minneapolis and beyond. You can’t leave the house without passing one of his signs, like the original Welna Hardware Store on Bloomington Avenue, the Cedar Cultural Center, the Hard Times Cafe on the West Bank, and so many more. His work has appeared on government buildings, churches, bars, the American Swedish Institute…the list is endless. See his portfolio at began apprenticing with [...]

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