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Thursday July 18th 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

VOTE 2020

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS  As a voter in Minnesota, you have many rights””get to know them!  HAVE TIME OFF WORK TO VOTE  You have a right to take time off work to vote without losing your pay, personal leave, or vacation time.  VOTE IF IN LINE BY 8 P.M.  You have the right to vote if you are in line to vote anytime before 8 p.m.  REGISTER ON ELECTION DAY  You have the right to register to vote on Election Day if you can show the required proof of residence.  SIGN IN ORALLY  You have the right to orally confirm who you are and to ask another person to sign for you if you cannot sign your name.  ASK FOR HELP  You have the right to ask anyone for help, except for an agent of your employer or union.  BRING CHILDREN TO THE POLLS  You have the right to bring your children with you to vote.  VOTE AFTER SERVING FELONY CONVICTION  You can vote after you finish all parts of your [...]

The People Are Coming Back

METRO TRANSIT  By JOHN CHARLES WILSON  Yesterday (14 September), I went for a bus ride to West Saint Paul to take a friend out to lunch for his birthday. It was one of probably less than a half dozen bus trips I”™ve taken since COVID-19 became an issue. Partly this is because of COVID and partly because of debilitating back pain which keeps me from standing or walking very much. Anyway, one thing I noticed on this trip is that transit ridership has really sprung back to life. This is a good sign.  On 12 September 2020, new transit schedules went into effect. Many routes are now back to normal, and others have seen significant improvements. As far as routes in the Phillips neighbourhood go, here”™s the scoop:  Routes 2, 5, 11, 14, 21, 22, 27, and the C Line are back to normal weekday schedules.  Route 9 has seen improvements but is still not fully back to normal.  Light Rail is back to running every 10 minutes, but [...]

A Tale of Two People

By PATRICK CABELLO HANSEL RETURNING CHAPTER 3 So we”™ve met Angel & Luz again. Angel works double shifts at Abbott to feed the family. Luz is trying to finish her degree at Augsburg. They raise their two children, wrestle with a complicated world, and still carrythe scars and questions of their past. They are happily married, and their marriage has trouble. Tolstoy famously said, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Luz and Angel”™s deep unhappiness is about to take them in two different directions. Will they find the joy hidden in their own darkness?  Angel shook off the dream, made himself some coffee and finally looked at the clock. It was 2:50 pm. He had barely 10 minutes to run to Andersen to pick up Angelito. It was snowy and slushy out, but he couldn”™t find his boots. So he put on his old tennis shoes, and ran. By the time he had run the five blocks there and walked the [...]

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