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Friday July 19th 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

Free Annual Checkups for those under 21

Free Annual Checkups for those under 21

Midtown Global Market

Midtown Global Market

Peace House Community”“A Place to Belong: Canadian Humor (which I spell “Humour”)

Peace House Community”“A Place to Belong: Canadian Humor (which I spell “Humour”)

By MARTI MALTBY I decided that this month I wouldn”™t mention Coronavirus (it didn”™t take long for me to fail on that count, did it?) because it has dominated so much of the news that I wanted to give you a break from thinking about it. I hadn”™t fully grasped how pervasive Covid has become until I tried to come up with a topic for this column that didn”™t involve Coronavirus, and I failed. Every topic I thought of somehow came back to the pandemic. As I said, I wanted to give people a break from Coronavirus because of the negative effects the virus is having on our society. I was about to list some of them, but you are probably as aware of them as I am, and if I did list them I would fail even more spectacularly in my effort to give you a break from thinking about Coronavirus. The best I can do at this point is to offer an alternative to the bleak news, so below you will find links to videos of Canadian humor. I”™m [...]

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