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Saturday July 20th 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

“Searching,” A Serial Novelle”” Chapter 1

“Searching,” A Serial Novelle”” Chapter 1

By PATRICK CABELLO HANSEL EDITOR”™S NOTE Regarding “SEARCHING” Alley Communications has been honored and pleased to publish this novella by Patrick Cabello Hansel in The Alley Newspaper -- a first for The Alley and for any local community paper as far as we know. Many noteworthy writers published novels in a serial format in newspapers or other periodicals; for example Charles Dickens published chapters at regular intervals and if they became popular he would publish the chapters as a book. Some writers sought and even depended upon reader comments and suggestions as they developed their novels. All 34 Chapters are at: Left to right: Orson Scott Card “Intergalactic Medicine Show”; Michael Chabon “Gentlemen of the Road”; Wilkie Collins “The Moonshine”; Charles Dickens “The Pickwick Papers”; Harriet Beecher Stowe “Uncle Tom”™s Cabin”; Sir Arthur [...]


By PATRICK CABELLO HANSEL Author”™s note: this story picks up years after the saga of Searching, serialized in 34 issues of the Alley in the early 2010”™s. In that story, we met Luz and Angel, two 19 year olds running from their past and searching for their future, along with a score of beautiful and strange neighbors. Patrick Cabello Hansel, is a Phillips Community resident, poet, pastor, and the author of the serial novel “Searching” that has appeared with a new chapter each month the last three years. What does Patrick have in common with Charles Dickens, Henry James, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Herman Melville, and Rudyard Kipling. Gustave Falubert, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Wilkie Collins, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Boleslaw Prus, Tom Wolfe, Michael Chabon, Stephen King, Michel Faber, Orson Scott Card, Laura Hickman, and Lawrence Watt-Evans? See more about serial stories below. Alley Communications has been honored and pleased to have been [...]

Something I Said

Something I Said

Dark girls deserve better By DWIGHT HOBBES Black was only so beautiful when the phrase hit in the 60s. Sure, we were at the tumultuous crest of a movement to throw off society”™s shackles and, in the process, bolster self-esteem. Superficiality, though, runs deep. While we were exultant, reveling in social revolt, it didn”™t displace an entrenched ideal. It didn”™t cure a psychological infection. Folk with African features were no more attractive than they had been since the advent of that age old ditty, “If you”™re white, just right. Yellow is mellow. Brown can stick around. If y”™ black, get back.” However, times have changed, this has stayed the same. Hence, “Dark Girls”, a documentary the Association of Black Psychologists credits with providing,“an opportunity to take a soul-searching look at the effects of racism affect on the self-image of black women. Among several salient [...]

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