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‘Neighborhood News’ Archives

EPIC October 2019

EPIC October 2019

MayDay in Metamorphosis

HOBT”™s MayDay is taking a year off:  Save the date for May 2, 2021  Dear MayDay supporters and friends,  We give deep thanks for the ways each of you have supported HOBT”™s MayDay Celebration. Your support over these 45 years, especially your outpouring of support this year, means a great deal. Over the last four months, we, the HOBT Leadership Team, have heard from more than 500 community members and artists about their dreams for the future of HOBT”™s MayDay. Themes drawn from this feedback support what we have known for years but have only now documented: MayDay in its current form is not only unsustainable financially and logistically, the creation process systematically marginalizes and appropriates the work of artists of color. This cannot be allowed to continue. The HOBT Leadership Team has decided that taking a year off from producing MayDay to pause and redesign MayDay is the best way to come back with a stronger, more [...]

EPIC September 2019

EPIC September 2019

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