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Friday February 28th 2025

‘Phillips What? Where?’ Archives

The next NEW PWW Photo will appear in January 2012 Including THE BEST EVER PWW RESPONSE

The one and only correct contestant for the November Phillips What Where was by Matthew Roed.  We have never had such a thorough answer along with additional commentary about Phillips.  Here it is in its entirety:  Dear Editor: My name is Matthew Roed and I live in Golden Valley and work at Abbott Northwestern Hospital where I read the Alley in the cafeteria after working night shift at Sister Kenny Institute as a Registered Nurse. I would like to submit my guess for the Phillips What Where for November 2011. Since I work in this neighborhood, I felt that I should know why it was so named and who inspired the naming. So I decided to figure it out... (more…)

November Phillips What Where

November Phillips What Where

November Phillips What Where Contest (Above) Call or e-mail us and Correctly tell WHAT and WHERE of this photo and we will enter your name in a drawing for a $10. Gift Certificate at Welna Hdwe. On Bloomington Ave. and 24th Street.

August Phillips What Where

August Phillips What Where

Greg Machtemes and e-mailer-belolnes says, correctly, the July PWW photo is the pedestrian bridge at 24th St and 35W.  The winner of the drawing is Greg.  Congratulations, Greg.  He wins the $10.00 Gift Certificate to Welna Hdwe on Bloomington Avenue. Guess What and Where this is and win a chance at the $10 Gift Certificate. HINT: A covered “Bridge” was demolished going to this site

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