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Friday February 7th 2025

‘Random alley News’ Archives

Random Alley News

Random Alley News

By Lindsey Fenner East Phillips Neighborhood Group Partnering with Southside Harm Reduction Services for Syringe, Litter Pickup: The East Phillips Improvement Coalition (EPIC) approved $15,000 for Southside Harm Reduction Services”™ (SHRS) “Community Syringe and Trash Clean Up in East Phillips Project.” The funding will pay community members that SHRS serves in gift cards to help clean up the neighborhood of syringes and other litter. Based in South Minneapolis, SHRS “works within a harm reduction framework to promote the human rights to health, safety, autonomy, and agency among people who use substances.”  Public Housing Class Action Lawsuit Filed against City, Minneapolis Public Housing Authority: The complaint against the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA)  was filed in  MN District Court in September, on behalf of public housing tenant Kimberly Lowry and other Minneapolis public housing [...]

September Random alley News

September Random alley News

By Lindsey Fenner and Laura Hulscher All the Ward 6 and Ward 9 City Council Candidates on the Ballot in November: Candidates for City of Minneapolis elections had an August 10 deadline to file to be on the November ballot. Candidates for Ward 6 City Council (which includes Ventura Village and Phillips West in the Phillips neighborhood: Jamal Osman (incumbent) and A. Bihi. Candidates for Ward 9 City Council (which includes East Phillips and Midtown Phillips in the Phillips Neighborhood): Mickey Moore, Yussuf Haji, Brenda Short, Ross Tenneson, Carmen Means, Jason Chavez, Alfred "AJ" Flowers Jr., and Jon Randall Denison. Look for a City Council candidate questionnaire in upcoming editions of the alley! Long Vacant 628 East Franklin to Be Developed into Affordable Housing: City of Lakes Community Land Trust (CLCLT) and Hope Community have entered into an agreement with the City of Minneapolis to turn the historic vacant building at 628 East Franklin Avenue into perpetually [...]

Random alley Labor News

Random Alley Labor News By Lindsey Fenner Minimum wage goes up in Minneapolis:   On July 1, 2021, the minimum wage in Minneapolis is going up to $12.50 at small businesses and $14.25 at large businesses. The Minneapolis minimum wage ordinance defines small businesses as 100 or fewer employees and large businesses as more than 100 employees. Tips and gratuities do not count toward payment of a minimum wage. The City”™s Department of Civil Rights oversees enforcement of the municipal minimum wage, and workers are encouraged to report violations online at http://minimumwage.minneapolismn.gov/ or by calling 311. Transit Workers Reject Metro Transit Contract Offer: Members of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1005 voted overwhelmingly to reject Metro Transit”™s “best and final” contract offer. ATU Local 1005 represents public transportation bus drivers, rail operators, mechanics, and many other support personnel. Metro Transit [...]

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