‘Random alley News’ Archives
May Random alley News 22

Nellie Stone Johnson/ Hennepin County Library Special Collections By Lindsey Fenner The Women’s Environmental Institute Is Offering Free Classes for Phillips Folks: WEI offers a variety of courses and workshops on gardening, farming, herbalism, food preservation and more. People who work, live, play or pray in Phillips can take these events for free. Most classes are at the Amador Hill Farm Campus in North Branch. Check out the class schedule and learn more about the Women's Environmental Institute: w-e-i.org. Contact Jerry at jerry@w-e-i.org for more information on how to get free registration. Urban Farm Veto Upheld by City Council: On March 24, the Minneapolis City Council upheld Mayor Frey’s veto of CM Chavez’ motion supporting the East Phillips Urban Farm by a vote of 7-6. Although CM Chavez said he hoped to bring a new motion forward at the next full council meeting on April 14, no motion was made. According to the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute, the [...]
Random alley news April ’22

By LINDSEY FENNER Allina Proposing a New 10-Story Surgical Care Center at Abbott Northwestern Hospital All Youth Programs and Sports Are Free This Summer at Phillips Parks: The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) has made activities free for ages 17 and under in Minneapolis neighborhoods within “census-designated Areas of Concentrated Poverty (ACP).” This includes activities in East Phillips Park, Phillips Park, Peavey Park, and Stewart Park in the Phillips neighborhoods. Other area parks with waived fees for youth include: Central Gym, Elliot Park, Painter Park, Powderhorn Park, Whittier Park. The program applies to 17 parks throughout Minneapolis through at least the end of 2022. The funding for this project comes from a gradual increase in the Park Board property tax levy and City of Minneapolis allocations from the American Rescue Plan Act, the COVID-19 Stimulus funding passed by the Biden administration in 2021. How it Works: Visit [...]
March Random alley News
By LINDSEY FENNER Bring Her Home, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Documentary Airing on PBS: The documentary, directed by Leya Hale (Dakota/Diné) and produced by Sergio Rapu (Rapanui), follows three indigenous women: artist and All My Relations Gallery Director Angela Two Stars, activist Mysti Babineau, and U.S. Rep. Ruth Buffalo, as they fight to vindicate and honor their missing and murdered relatives who have fallen victims to a growing epidemic across Indian country. Airing on Twin Cities Public Television Channel TPT 2 Monday, Mar 21 at 8pm or streaming at https://www.tpt.org/bring-her-home/ Pillsbury House Launches Documenters, A New Civic Reporting Project: The Documenters project was first developed in Chicago by City Bureau, a local media non-profit with a goal of making journalism more democratic and public meetings more accessible. Documenters trains and pays community members to attend public meetings, take and share notes, and gather related [...]