‘Tales from Pioneers & Soldiers Cemetery’ Archives
Tales from Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery: Plenty Work to be done-Revive WPA
By SUE HUNTER WEIR 177th in a Series If you look closely at the east or west side of the Caretaker”™s Cottage, most of which was built in 1871, you will see a subtle difference between the back room and the two front rooms. That difference is how you can tell that the backroom is a fairly recent (only 80 years old rather than 149 years old) addition. The roofline is a little lower but that”™s not an age difference. The masonry is identical except for one thing: the top and bottom edges of the newer stones are perfectly straight while the stones on the older rooms are rough-cut. The new stones were cut using power tools while the old stones were cut by hand. Caretaker Cottage 1940 masonry straight-cut edges differ with 1871 hand-chiseled. One of five Phillips buildings on the National Register of Historic Places. Photo: TIM McCALL It”™s been a challenge to put a date on the “new” addition but the answer was hidden in the [...]
Tales from Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery
Covid-19 Postpones 162nd Memorial Day at the Cemetery By SUE HUNTER WEIR, 176th in a Series “Remember when”¦?” Remembering Memorial Days Passed We held off making this decision as long as we could hoping that we would not have to end a 162-year tradition, but we have no choice””this year”™s Memorial Day program will not take place as usual or as planned. These are unsettling times for everyone and the most important thing is to keep everyone safe. Covid-19 is only one of many pandemics that have occurred throughout history. There have also been a number of smaller, local epidemics. In Minneapolis, in the mid-to-late 1900s, outbreaks of typhoid fever occurred every year in the late summer and early fall. Cholera infantum occurred around the same time. There were outbreaks of measles and whooping cough and smallpox. The leading cause of death among adults was tuberculosis (also known as consumption or phthisis pulmonary) which occurred [...]
Earth Day Cemetery Clean-Up
Please join us starting at 9 a.m. on April 18, 2020, for a cemetery clean-up in honor of Earth Day. Minneapolis Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery 2945 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407 If you can, bring a rake and work gloves. We have plenty of bags. Light refreshments will be provided. If you can”™t make it at 9, come later. We”™ll continue working until it”™s done.