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Thursday January 30th 2025

‘Tales from Pioneers & Soldiers Cemetery’ Archives

Tales from Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery

Tales from Pioneers and Soldiers  Memorial Cemetery

By SUE HUNTER WEIR 175th in a Series An Oasis by Streets and Industry Trees can reduce air temperature by as much as 10 degrees within a block radius. If Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery had only 300 trees, eight tons of carbon monoxide from one of the city”™s busiest intersections every year. Over the Cemeteriy”™s 162 years there have been many tree planting events. The next one is April 18th””Earth Day 2020.PHOTO TIM McCALL Values beyond moneyAt a time when the value of most things is measured in dollars and cents, there are some who question whether cemeteries are sustainable. They question whether there is a business model for land that is purchased once but occupied forever. Cemeteries, especially inactive ones, are not moneymakers but they serve a number of valuable purposes. Not least of those is their value as urban green spaces. 22 Acres between pollution sources and Lake Street Minneapolis Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial [...]

Mpls. Pest (pestilence””a contagious or infectious, epidemic disease) House isolated Small Pox infected people; except H. M. Moores

Mpls. Pest (pestilence””a contagious or infectious, epidemic disease) House isolated Small Pox infected people; except H. M. Moores

Early in the morning on April 11, 1869, a man, identified in the paper only as “a Swede,” thought that he saw a ghost. He was walking by the Union School when he came across a pale man dressed only in a shirt. The man, who was in an “insensible condition,” was obviously not a ghost but was suffering from smallpox. In his delirium he had jumped out of the second story window at the city”™s Pest House and had been wandering the streets before he was found. The man was H. M. Moores, a 32-year-old traveling salesman who was thought to be from Wisconsin. Several weeks earlier he had traveled to Austin, Minnesota, where he was selling “dampers,” a mechanism that regulated the heat produced by wood and coal burning stoves. He returned to Minneapolis and was staying at the Milwaukee House Hotel when he became sick. He was transferred to the city”™s Pest House in an effort to keep him from infecting others. There was only one nurse [...]

Rev. G.L. Morrill, populist preacher “wherever two or three are gathered!”

Rev. G.L. Morrill, populist preacher “wherever two or three are gathered!”

Calvary Baptist, People”™s Church””Hennepin Av, Wonderland Amusement Park, Nicollet Field Baseball Park, His Own Funeral  COURTESY HENNEPIN LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS G.L. “Golightly” Morrill, with a University of Chicago theology degree, broke away from established churches and founding an unorthodox “People”™s Church” in downtown Minneapolis. His Los Angeles Times Obituary noted, “Probably the most unique funeral service ever conducted was held here today when the voice of Rev. G.L. “Golightly” Morrill was heard preaching his own funeral service. The words were heard over the body of the noted writer and world traveler in a local funeral parlor this morning. They issued from a phonograph which was playing a record dictated by Morrill himself months ago in preparation for his final rites. After the sermon another record was placed on the machine and Morrill”™s voice was heard singing a religious [...]

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