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Wednesday February 26th 2025

‘Transit’ Archives

Transit: War Simulation, SB LII, Giveth and Taketh

BY JOHN CHARLES WILSON The Super Bowl giveth, and the Super Bowl taketh away. For transit users in the Twin Cities, the Super Bowl mostly taketh away; while the Metropolitan Council giveth the use of our light rail trains to rich tourists who can afford Super Bowl tickets. Meanwhile, our poor bus drivers are threatening to go on strike during the Super Bowl to call attention to the perfectly legitimate need to have some protection from riders who assault them. What is to be done? Shall we wait around like sitting ducks for the other shoe to drop? The Council wants to throw us a bone by offering free bus rides to us “regular citizens” on Super Bowl Sunday, while the elite with their game day passes get to ride our trains, all in the name of security. Sure, we all want the Super Bowl to be a safe venue, but does the Super Bowl want us to be safe? Will security be so concentrated around the stadium my friend calls the “Sinking Ship” as to ignore other parts of [...]

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