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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday February 26th 2025

‘Transit’ Archives

Metro Transit: Not Bad, But Not Good Either

by JOHN CHARLES WILSONMetro Transit announced its quarterly service changes just in time for this month’s alley. Unfortunately, the promise of better service after a hiring blitz isn’t ready for prime time yet. The changes this time around are very minor. For routes that affect the Phillips community, these are the only changes happening on March 18th: The D Line will have minor schedule and trip adjustments for all days of the week. Route 5 will have time and trip adjustments from 5 to 10 minutes, all days of the week. The first Sunday southbound trip will be 9 minutes later, the last northbound trip will be 4-5 minutes later every day, and the last southbound trip will be 1-3 minutes later every day. Route 22 will have two weekday afternoon southbound trips from Brooklyn Center switched. The 3:36 PM trip will leave Brooklyn Center 2 minutes later and go via Penn instead of Dupont Avenue, and the 3:56 PM trip will go via Dupont instead of Penn, with no time change. This [...]

Metro Transit: December Disaster!

By JOHN CHARLES WILSON The latest news out of Metro Transit isn’t good. Thanks to a shortage of drivers, one of the worst cutbacks in recent years is coming soon. Unlike past cutbacks, this isn’t due to lack of funding, lack of riders, or a pandemic. It is literally because they can’t hire enough drivers. As of 15 October 2022, Route 27 (26th/28th Streets between Hiawatha and I-35W) has been suspended. People are recommended to take Route 21 (Lake Street) instead. In addition, the following cutbacks in the Phillips community will start 3 December 2022:The Orange Line will be reduced from once every 15 minutes to once every half hour during the weekday midday period.Route 9 is being reduced from once every half hour to once an hour except during rush hours.Route 67 is being reduced from once every half hour to once an hour except during rush hours. Many other transit routes in various areas of the Twin Cities are also being cut. However, the 9 and the 67 are pretty [...]

Reliability vs. Scheduled Frequency

<strong>Reliability vs. Scheduled Frequency</strong>

METRO TRANSIT Reliability vs. Scheduled Frequency by JOHN CHARLES WILSON The Metro Transit service change of 20 August 2022 can be seen in two ways: First, as a service reduction, or second, as a reduction in promises to what Metro Transit can reliably deliver at this time. The driver shortage is making it so buses and trains don’t always come when they’re supposed to. Reducing how often they’re supposed to come is a realistic solution for now. Anyway, here are the changes affecting the Phillips neighborhood. Light Rail service is being reduced from once every 12 minutes to once every 15 minutes.Route 2 is also being reduced from once every 12 minutes to once every 15 minutes.Route 9 afternoon rush hour service is being reduced from once every 20 minutes to once every half hour.The 7:35 AM Route 14 trip which leaves 38th Street Station going northbound will instead leave from 66th and Richfield Parkway to make transfers from Route 46 possible.The Route 21 eastbound [...]

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