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Monday March 3rd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘animals’

Ani-Meals Brings Meals on Wheels to Furry Family Members

Ani-Meals Brings Meals on Wheels to Furry Family Members

By DWIGHT HOBBES  In the best of times folk who have trouble making ends meet have enough of a challenge feeding themselves, much less Fido and Kitty. These are far from the best of times. Accordingly, Ani-Meals is more than ever a pet owner”™s godsend, spun-off from Meals on Wheels through a Meals On Wheels America grant to PetSmart Charities in 2015. Soon as word got out about the supply, demand grew. Melanie La Pointe, Ani-Meals director at the Community Emergency Service location, recalls, “It exploded pretty fast. At first, we had about ten animals, then, it went up to about 70.” That number is now 163 pets belonging to 90 clients of MOW.  For confirmed animal lover La Pointe, the program is a heartfelt undertaking. “It”™s really important for people to be able to keep their pets. Pets are family. A lot of our clients don”™t have any family. They”™re basically isolated.” A condition the corona [...]

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