Posts Tagged ‘Anne Gillespie Lewis’
Ingebretsen”'s Saga: A Family, A Story, A Legacy in Food An East Lake Street Saga as told through a family history and a lot of food.

By Carsten Smith “The project took nine months. I could have had a baby in that period, but a book is much easier to care for after gestation. I”'m glad I opted for the book,” says Anne Gillespie Lewis, author of Ingebretsen”'s Saga, which is now available at Ingebretsen”'s Scandinavian Gifts. The idea for the book had been percolating for years, but a chance conversation at the store with Julie Ingebretsen, the store manager, spurred Anne and Julie into making the book a reality. Julie Ingebretsen had often wished for the time and opportunity to put some of the many recipes shared at the store into a book. There is rarely a staff meeting or a birthday or even an obscure holiday that passes at Ingebretsen”'s that staff members don”'t pull out the stops and bring food to share with their co-workers. Julie really wanted to have some of those recipes in writing. (more…)