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Thursday March 13th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Arsenic’

Abatement in April 2010

By H. Lynn Adelsman The Superfund Arsenic Soil Clean-Up by the federal Environmental Pollution Agency continues this Spring of 2010. The EPA expects to start digging the first week of April, hoping to have 340 properties completed by the end of the year. Last year they removed arsenic contaminated soil from 40 yards in Seward Neighborhood. The construction status map is on the EPA web page, and will track the EPA progress. The EPA is not planning soil removal in Phillips this summer. To note your concern for the residents of Phillips and encourage that yours or your neighbors yard have arsenic contaminated soil removed contact: Tim Prendiville, Acting Chief Remedial Response Section 2 Superfund Division U.S. EPA (SR-6J) 77 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 886-5122 toll free (800) 621-8431 ext 65122

Recovery Act Project Activity to Remove Soil at Arsenic Levels That Pose Long-Term Health Threat to Residents

EPA will use the $10-25 million in Recovery Act funds allocated to the Minneapolis Residential Soil Contamination site to conduct all cleanup and restoration work at the approximately 500 remaining residential properties with soils above the arsenic soil cleanup standard. The activities include the excavation and off-site disposal of all contaminated soil above the cleanup standard, with excavation to occur to a depth of 12 inches in lawn areas and 18 inches in garden areas. If confirmation samples from the base of the excavation show arsenic levels above the acute arsenic cleanup standard, EPA will continue excavating soil until the acute standard is met or foundation depth is reach. Once excavation is complete, the properties will be restored to their original condition. The activities also include establishing institutional controls on properties where excavation is not possible due to access restrictions. Concerning the possibility of household pesticide Application Skewing EPA [...]

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