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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday July 16th 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Barb Tilsen’


By Barb Tilsen How do you treat the stranger at your door The one who comes in need of comfort with no place to sleep Little food Just the few possessions they can carry in one move This question is before us all around the world People displaced, on the move from the dangerous and intolerable The refugee, the homeless the one seeking harbor and safety at the border, on your doorstep fleeing the storms of the world How do we treat the stranger at our door Like the Lady in the harbor raising the torch poetry in her arms welcoming all to this shore Or with barbed wire, the wall, the guns, the fear It all comes home to rest in our front yard now Just across the street in our beloved park Yes we need compassion and love But the harsh reality of hunger, unmet needs of no place else to go demands concrete solutions As neighbors we act to meet the need Bring food and supplies We call and organize in all the ways we [...]

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