Posts Tagged ‘Brad Pas’
East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center at 2300 17th Ave. Exemplifies reward of unity after 40 years of vision and six years of struggle

: It has been forty years since hopes and visions of improvement to the two blocks of land between 17th and Cedar Avenues and 22nd and 24th Streets began. Initial plans and proposals for dense housing were halted by limited citizen initiated political “arm twisting” that was nonetheless effective. That effort led to park development limited to the barest of un-staffed, built facilities. Six years ago that same awareness and tenacity of local residents-- knowing their numbers and needs were greater than were being met and propelled by the obvious inequity of program and facility availability for local youth compared to other parts of the city””initiated concentrated focus on further improvement. The January 22, 2011 Building Opening and Ribbon Cutting marks the culmination of six years of creative and determined effort by neighborhood organizations, residents, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board with city, county, and state support. The [...]